Birthday Week!

Yesterday was the day of the Birthday cakes. Two family friends had gatherings, both of which I was fortunate enough to attend in one day.

After seeing her sister's King Tut cake, 15-year old Surya, requested an Alice in Wonderland cake for her birthday party. Thinking back to the various Alice in Wonderland themed cakes I had made before, I decided that this time a tribute to the family's affinity for tea parties would be the most appropriate!

Alice in Wonderland Tea Party Cake

Vanilla cake with chocolate butter cream and fondant.

A little jam does wonders to calm the nerves!

Accompanying cupcakes.

The birthday girl and her guests absolutely loved the cake! I was even fortunate enough to distribute a couple business cards to onlookers at the restaurant.

My friend, Johanna, has a springer spaniel named Lily. Lily is an absolute sucker for belly rubs. Sometimes, she will make it easy for you to rub her belly by rolling all the way over onto her back... But most of the time she will lie down, with front legs firmly planted on the floor, and lift one back leg in demand of a belly rub. This has become her signature move.

Lily Cake

Lily in a box, on her way to Johanna's house.

Chocolate cake with vanilla butter cream and fondant.

To much amazement, cake Lily survived the greeting from real Lily!

1 comment:

  1. The Alice in Wonderland cake is amazing, and the cupcakes are so appropriate. I can't wait to see more of your work!
