Half Dome at Half Dome

It isn't every day that I am asked to build a mountain out of cake, but I'm finding that the request is becoming somewhat more frequent.  When Cristina asked me to build her fiancé a surprise Half Dome groom's cake for their wedding, I jumped at the opportunity to build another cake mountain.  But I had just begun my new day job at a startup bakery in San Francisco which had been taking 11+ hours of my day...  

Would I be able to make the time?  

Toque up, girl!  There's a mountain that needs building!

Not only did I need to build the mountain, I also got to deliver the mountain to the mountains.  The wedding was scheduled to take place at the Ahwahnee Hotel in Yosemite National Park, a handsome 4 hour drive from headquarters in Redwood City.  My work schedule dictated that it would need to be a 1-day turnaround, delivering the cake and driving back all in the same day.

And so, armed with the iPod, my moral support volunteer, his GPS, and plenty of snacks, we hit the road at 6:00 AM on a Sunday morning to deliver Ramon's surprise Half Dome groom's cake.

Half Dome cake at Half Dome mountain!

Passers by driving through the sugary valley.

Kinda hard to tell from this angle, but no, that's not a falling climber. Half Dome has a mark on its flat side which the bride and groom believe looks like an angel.  The bride asked me to recreate it to surprise her fiancé.

A few extra pictures of beautiful Yosemite:

Having now sculpted it twice out of cake, I've begun referring to Half Dome as "My rock."  Maybe one day, I will make the journey to the top of it.

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