It's gonna be a Happy New Year!

Taking into account that I am a former theatre nerd, brownie points to anyone who can catch the title reference.  Aaaaand GO!

My friend/mentor/womanofallworldlyknowledge Jeanie, has a tradition called the New Years Eve Eve party.  That's the night *before* the night before the new year.  (December 30th, for anyone who's completely confused.)

Jeanie's favorite treat in the world is the princess torte: White chiffon cake with pastry cream and raspberry jam fillings, topped with whipped cream.  A proper Princess Torte is then draped with marzipan.  However, for NYEE we usually do a variation without the marzipan, and call it a Prince Torte.

Every year, I try to out-do myself from the year before.  Getting ready for 2012, the projects are starting to get bigger...

3-tired Prince Torte, airbrushed silver and gold.

The photo does not even cover 1/3 of the table spread.
There was so much food!

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