"Steampunk, Go!"

Sometimes, your friend comes to you with a theme, followed by the word, "Go." In this instance, the theme was Steampunk. The Victorian-fashion-meets-Industrial-Revolution aesthetic has taken over geekdom, and it was only a matter of time before I got to design my inaugural Steampunk piece.

Occasionally, (ok, regularly...) when you're completely winging your design without first solidifying it with a sketch, the end goal has a tendency to morph while you work. Such was the case for this hat. About four hours before its scheduled delivery, something was still missing. It looked squatty, undignified, and unfashionable. It wanted desperately to be taller, but how?


The clock said the hour of delivery was nearing, and that my window to make, dry, and apply feathers had closed. It said I needed to find another solution. So... 

I bent time. 
(Because, ya know, ninjas can do that.)

I bent, and stretched, and wiggled, and jiggled loose the very laws of time and space, and managed to create, dry and apply the elegant red feathers with 30 minutes to spare. 

::Mic drop::

Those 30 minutes permitted me to experiment with my new photography setup. Kinda loving the results! 


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